Have you ever started a project from scratch? This is common in start-ups and small companies. With so many programming languages and architectures, it can be hard to know where to begin. That’s where design patterns help.A design pattern is like a project template, based on developers’ experiences and best practices.Your team decides which pattern is most useful. This sets expectations for the code and vocabulary you’ll use.Design patterns work across all programming languages and fit any project by providing a general solution outline.There are 23 official patterns from the book Design Patterns – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, a key book in software development.In this article, I’ll cover four of these patterns to show what they are and when to use them.
The Singleton Design Pattern
The singleton pattern makes sure that a class or object has only one instance and uses a global variable to store it. This stops multiple instances from running at the same time, which could cause bugs. It is usually set up in the constructor. The main purpose of the singleton pattern is to manage the global state of an application.
An example of a singleton you likely use often is your logger.
If you work with front-end frameworks like React or Angular, you know how tricky it can be to handle logs from multiple components. This is a perfect example of singletons in action because you never want more than one instance of a logger object, especially if you’re using an error tracking tool.
class FoodLogger {
constructor() {
this.foodLog = []
log(order) {
class FoodLoggerSingleton {
constructor() {
if (!FoodLoggerSingleton.instance) {
FoodLoggerSingleton.instance = new FoodLogger()
getFoodLoggerInstance() {
return FoodLoggerSingleton.instance
module.exports = FoodLoggerSingleton
Now you don’t have to worry about losing logs from multiple instances because you can use the same FoodLogger instance across multiple files or components to log the food that has been ordered.
const FoodLogger = require(‘./FoodLogger’)
const foodLogger = new FoodLogger().getFoodLoggerInstance()
class Customer {
constructor(order) {
this.price = order.price
this.food = order.foodItem
module.exports = Customer
const FoodLogger = require(‘./FoodLogger’)
const foodLogger = new FoodLogger().getFoodLoggerInstance()
class Restaurant {
constructor(inventory) {
this.quantity = inventory.count
this.food = inventory.foodItem
module.exports = Restaurant
With this singleton pattern, you can log from anywhere in your codebase, ensuring all logs go to the same logger instance, preventing any loss due to new instances.
The Strategy Design Pattern
The strategy pattern is like a smart version of an if-else statement. You create an interface for a method in your base class. This interface helps decide which method to use in a subclass. The right method is picked at runtime based on what the client needs.
This pattern is useful when a class has both required and optional methods. Some instances of the class may not need the optional methods, which can cause issues with inheritance. Using interfaces for the optional methods means you have to write the implementation every time, as there is no default.
The strategy pattern solves this problem. Instead of the client looking for an implementation, it uses a strategy interface to find the right one. This is often used in payment processing systems.
For example, a shopping cart might only allow credit card payments, but this would turn away customers who prefer other payment methods.
The strategy pattern lets us separate payment methods from the checkout process. This way, we can add or update payment methods without changing any code in the shopping cart or checkout process.
Here’s an example of a strategy pattern implementation using the payment method example.
class PaymentMethodStrategy {
const customerInfoType = {
country: string
emailAddress: string
name: string
accountNumber?: number
address?: string
cardNumber?: number
city?: string
routingNumber?: number
state?: string
static BankAccount(customerInfo: customerInfoType) {
const { name, accountNumber, routingNumber } = customerInfo
static BitCoin(customerInfo: customerInfoType) {
const { emailAddress, accountNumber } = customerInfo
static CreditCard(customerInfo: customerInfoType) {
const { name, cardNumber, emailAddress } = customerInfo
static MailIn(customerInfo: customerInfoType) {
const { name, address, city, state, country } = customerInfo
static PayPal(customerInfo: customerInfoType) {
const { emailAddress } = customerInfo
To implement our payment method strategy, we created a single class with multiple static methods. Each method takes the same parameter, customerInfo, which has a defined type of customerInfoType. Each method has its own implementation and uses different values from the customerInfo.
With the strategy pattern, you can dynamically change the strategy at runtime based on user input or the app’s environment.
You can also set a default implementation in a simple config.json file like this:
“paymentMethod”: {
“strategy”: “PayPal”
Whenever a customer begins the checkout process on your website, the default payment method they see will be PayPal, as specified in the config.json file. This can be easily updated if the customer chooses a different payment method.
Now, let’s create a file for our checkout process.
const PaymentMethodStrategy = require(‘./PaymentMethodStrategy’)
const config = require(‘./config’)
class Checkout {
constructor(strategy=’CreditCard’) {
this.strategy = PaymentMethodStrategy[strategy]
changeStrategy(newStrategy) {
this.strategy = PaymentMethodStrategy[newStrategy]
const userInput = {
name: ‘Malcolm’,
cardNumber: 3910000034581941,
emailAddress: ‘mac@gmailer.com’,
country: ‘US’
const selectedStrategy = ‘Bitcoin’
postPayment(userInput) {
module.exports = new Checkout(config.paymentMethod.strategy)
This Checkout class is where the strategy pattern gets to show off. We import a couple of files so we have the payment method strategies available and the default strategy from the config.
Then we create the class with the constructor and a fallback value for the default strategy in case there hasn’t been one set in the config. Next we assign the strategy value to a local state variable.
An important method we need to implement in our Checkout class is the ability to change the payment strategy. A customer might change the payment method they want to use and you’ll need to be able to handle that. That’s what the changeStrategy method is for.
After you’ve done some fancy coding and gotten all of the inputs from a customer, then you can update the payment strategy immediately based on their input and it dynamically sets the strategy before the payment is sent for processing.
At some point you might need to add more payment methods to your shopping cart and all you’ll have to do is add it to the PaymentMethodStrategy class. It’ll instantly be available anywhere that class is used.
The strategy design pattern is a powerful one when you are dealing with methods that have multiple implementations. It might feel like you’re using an interface, but you don’t have to write an implementation for the method every time you call it in a different class. It gives you more flexibility than interfaces.
The Observer Design Pattern
If you’ve ever used the MVC pattern, you’ve already used the observer design pattern. The Model part is like a subject and the View part is like an observer of that subject. Your subject holds all of the data and the state of that data. Then you have observers, like different components, that will get that data from the subject when the data has been updated.
The goal of the observer design pattern is to create this one-to-many relationship between the subject and all of the observers waiting for data so they can be updated. So anytime the state of the subject changes, all of the observers will be notified and updated instantly.
Some examples of when you would use this pattern include: sending user notifications, updating, filters, and handling subscribers.
Say you have a single page application that has three feature dropdown lists that are dependent on the selection of a category from a higher level dropdown. This is common on many shopping sites, like Home Depot. You have a bunch of filters on the page that are dependent on the value of a top-level filter.
The code for the top-level dropdown might look something like this:
class CategoryDropdown {
constructor() {
this.categories = [‘appliances’, ‘doors’, ‘tools’]
this.subscriber = []
subscribe(observer) {
onChange(selectedCategory) {
this.subscriber.forEach(observer => observer.update(selectedCategory))
This CategoryDropdown file is a simple class with a constructor that initializes the category options we have available for in the dropdown. This is the file you would handle retrieving a list from the back-end or any kind of sorting you want to do before the user sees the options.
The subscribe method is how each filter created with this class will receive updates about the state of the observer.
The onChange method is how we send out notification to all of the subscribers that a state change has happened in the observer they’re watching. We just loop through all of the subscribers and call their update method with the selectedCategory.
The code for the other filters might look something like this:
class FilterDropdown {
constructor(filterType) {
this.filterType = filterType
this.items = []
update(category) {
.then(res => this.items(res))
This FilterDropdown file is another simple class that represents all of the potential dropdowns we might use on a page. When a new instance of this class is created, it needs to be passed a filterType. This could be used to make specific API calls to get the list of items.
The update method is an implementation of what you can do with the new category once it has been sent from the observer.
Now we’ll take a look at what it means to use these files with the observer pattern:
const CategoryDropdown = require(‘./CategoryDropdown’)
const FilterDropdown = require(‘./FilterDropdown’)
const categoryDropdown = new CategoryDropdown()
const colorsDropdown = new FilterDropdown(‘colors’)
const priceDropdown = new FilterDropdown(‘price’)
const brandDropdown = new FilterDropdown(‘brand’)
What this file shows us is that we have 3 drop-downs that are subscribers to the category drop-down observable. Then we subscribe each of those drop-downs to the observer. Whenever the category of the observer is updated, it will send out the value to every subscriber which will update the individual drop-down lists instantly.
The Decorator Design Pattern
Using the decorator design pattern is fairly simple. You can have a base class with methods and properties that are present when you make a new object with the class. Now say you have some instances of the class that need methods or properties that didn’t come from the base class.
You can add those extra methods and properties to the base class, but that could mess up your other instances. You could even make sub-classes to hold specific methods and properties you need that you can’t put in your base class.
Either of those approaches will solve your problem, but they are clunky and inefficient. That’s where the decorator pattern steps in. Instead of making your code base ugly just to add a few things to an object instance, you can tack on those specific things directly to the instance.
So if you need to add a new property that holds the price for an object, you can use the decorator pattern to add it directly to that particular object instance and it won’t affect any other instances of that class object.
Have you ever ordered food online? Then you’ve probably encountered the decorator pattern. If you’re getting a sandwich and you want to add special toppings, the website isn’t adding those toppings to every instance of sandwich current users are trying to order.
Here’s an example of a customer class:
class Customer {
constructor(balance=20) {
this.balance = balance
this.foodItems = []
buy(food) {
if (food.price) < this.balance {
console.log(‘you should get it’)
this.balance -= food.price
else {
console.log(‘maybe you should get something else’)
module.exports = Customer
And here’s an example of a sandwich class:
class Sandwich {
constructor(type, price) {
this.type = type
this.price = price
order() {
console.log(`You ordered a ${this.type} sandwich for $ ${this.price}.`)
class DeluxeSandwich {
constructor(baseSandwich) {
this.type = `Deluxe ${baseSandwich.type}`
this.price = baseSandwich.price + 1.75
class ExquisiteSandwich {
constructor(baseSandwich) {
this.type = `Exquisite ${baseSandwich.type}`
this.price = baseSandwich.price + 10.75
order() {
console.log(`You ordered an ${this.type} sandwich. It’s got everything you need to be happy for days.`)
module.exports = { Sandwich, DeluxeSandwich, ExquisiteSandwich }
This sandwich class is where the decorator pattern is used. We have a Sandwich base class that sets the rules for what happens when a regular sandwich is ordered. Customers might want to upgrade sandwiches and that just means an ingredient and price change.
You just wanted to add the functionality to increase the price and update the type of sandwich for the DeluxeSandwich without changing how it’s ordered. Although you might need a different order method for an ExquisiteSandwich because there is a drastic change in the quality of ingredients.
The decorator pattern lets you dynamically change the base class without affecting it or any other classes. You don’t have to worry about implementing functions you don’t know, like with interfaces, and you don’t have to include properties you won’t use in every class.
Now if we’ll go over an example where this class is instantiated as if a customer was placing a sandwich order.
const { Sandwich, DeluxeSandwich, ExquisiteSandwich } = require(‘./Sandwich’)
const Customer = require(‘./Customer’)
const cust1 = new Customer(57)
const turkeySandwich = new Sandwich(‘Turkey’, 6.49)
const bltSandwich = new Sandwich(‘BLT’, 7.55)
const deluxeBltSandwich = new DeluxeSandwich(bltSandwich)
const exquisiteTurkeySandwich = new ExquisiteSandwich(turkeySandwich)
I used to think that design patterns were these complex, far-out software development guidelines. Then I realized I use them all the time!
A few of the patterns I covered are used in so many applications that it’s truly amazing. They are just theory at the end of the day. It’s up to us as developers to use that theory in ways that make our applications easy to implement and maintain.
Have you used any of the other design patterns for your projects? Many places usually pick a design pattern for their projects and stick with it, so I’d love to hear from you all about what you use.
Source: hashnode.com